I Can Read System




Students who are eligible for the Comprehension & Creative Writing Programme (CCW) can read and will usually have completed Volumes 1-6 of the I Can Read® Programme. Children undertaking the CCW programme are not yet eligible for the Advanced Language & Literacy Programme (ALLS) for one of two reasons: (1) they are not yet in primary school, or (2) they are in primary school but are unable to manage the work presented in ALLS and wish to obtain basic skills in grammar, writing, comprehension, spelling, listening and writing first.

The programme is designed to introduce comprehension and creative writing while at the same time provide an introduction to some well-known children’s fiction with

an aim to encouraging and deepening the child’s love of literature.

Eligibility for this programme is on a case-by-case basis. There are a limited number of lessons, as the programme

is intended as a bridge for the child to gain skills and confidence prior to entering the ALLS Programme.

The CCW programme proceeds slowly to ensure students attain the required literacy skills for primary school besides just reading. Children at this level sometimes take a long time to write sentences and need assistance in the classroom with handwriting. Discussion points will be focused on enabling the young child to begin to appreciate what makes good literature, why he or she likes some stories and not others, what techniques authors use to make their stories exciting and readable, and so on.

In this programme, children are provided with a wide variety of children’s literature. It is expected that this broad exposure to English classics will stimulate the creative imagination and inspire the child to want to write his or her own stories. All story excerpts have been carefully selected for this purpose.

Expected outcomes are: techniques to address MCQ questions; the ability to write full sentences in reply to open-ended comprehension questions, improve reading aloud skills, learn basic creative writing skills, speak in front of the group (tutorial style), express opinions, participate in group discussion and improve spelling and vocabulary. Homework may consist of reading, spelling, dictionary work and finishing writing or comprehension that has been commenced in class. This is intended to be an undemanding and enjoyable programme, although with set outcomes. Lessons are interactive in the classroom. Progress is measured and recorded every term through Dictation and Writing Assessments, and reports compiled.